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Tutoriel texte, support de cours (texte simplifié pédagogique en ligne ou fichier)
Présentation courte de la ressource
FileZilla Client tutorial
Description de la ressource :
- Connect to an FTP server,
- Download and upload files,
- Use the site manager.
If you already know how to use an FTP client, you may want to read the more advanced usage instructions instead.
We assume that you already installed and started FileZilla Client (installation instructions).
- In this tutorial, you will learn how to
- Connect to an FTP server,
- Download and upload files,
- Use the site manager.
If you already know how to use an FTP client, you may want to read the more advanced usage instructions instead.
We assume that you already installed and started FileZilla Client (installation instructions).
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Langue de la ressource
- Multilingue
- Français
- Anglais
- Espagnol
- Allemand
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