Introducing the Open Mind project

Open Minds - Free digital in Europe

Open-source digital solutions for the socio-cultural sector

  • FLOSS / Free Libre Open Source digital solutions for associations and socio-cultural structures in Europe
  • Aim : Train and equip associations / socio-cultural sector to free/ libre digital
  • Project funded by ERASMUS ( KA220-ADU - Cooperative partnerships in adult education)
  • Project supported by 4 European structures
  • 6 training modules and a platform of solutions and resources
  • Dates 01/10/2022 to 31/01/25 ( 28 months, i.e. just over 2 years)
  • Total budget for 4 partners: €250,000

4 partners :

Observation: there are platforms and digital training
  • for all public (framalibre, comptoire du libre)
  • for non profit organisation but not 100% free (interpole ) or even gafam (solidatech )
  • for CHATONS (Emancip'Action)
Need for training and resources in free / libre software specifically for non profit organisation

Platform of resources and free digital solutions for the socio-cultural sector

3 to 600 files updated by free actors easily
  • Solutions : software and online services, animation and cooperation methods, Good practices, examples of successful use
  • Trainings, tutorials and documentation, resources allowing an autonomous use
  • Actors, Directory of free/libre digital service providers, support, training, user associations
  • Agenda, news, forum

6 online and in person training modules

  • face-to-face (3 days per course) and online (webinar and MOOC)
  • videos, tutorials, quizzes, MCQs, online documents, exercises, self-evaluation,
  • Public: educational staff and training actors of socio-cultural and associative structures, their beneficiaries, members, volunteers and partners.
Module 1 Collaboration and remote work tools
Module 2 Communication (websites - social networks - newsletter)
Module 3 Multimédia - Create a video report for the web with Open Source editing software Source
Module 4 Office Tools
Module 5 Free, open source and ethical digital digital transition and ethics in the socio-cultural sector
Module 6 Digital autonomy, e-inclusion and their impact on daily life and socio-cultural structure